Eure family name
Where does this name originate?
I find a river in northern France that
is named Eure. Does this family name
originate in France?
I do not have the answers to these
However I did find a web site
with information on the Eure family in England going way, way , way way, way
way & way back in time.
I went as
far today as 1220 with a Sir hugh de Eure.
You know my ma-tra verify before you
accept it. It always a good start when
you find a tree that has most of what you yourself have researched. That you have come to your conclusion you
write it down as accepted Fact. You make
note of your source. As always someone else must be able to also look at the
same info and be able to make their own conclusion. Enough preaching on sourcing your info..
the web address as mentioned above is:
As always please share your discoveries with the rest of us seeking out the same family.
Happy Ancestor Hunting