04 November 2012

A Billon Graves

Another Grave finding web site for Genealogy use

A Billion Graves.

Easy search buttons.  Check em out.  See if they can help you discover a new way to find your Ancestors.

Good Luck

Our Goal

family history, family lore, world view, genealogy, cemetery, graves, tombstone,
We aim to provide an expansive family history database for records and images from the world’s cemeteries, all tagged with GPS locations. Our database is growing every day. We are gathering headstones from new countries all the time. Our goal is to collect one billion graves, and we can do it with your help.

family history, family lore, world view, genealogy, cemetery, graves, tombstone,
Since we don’t have the manpower or the distribution to visit every cemetery in the world ourselves, we want to join with you to collect and transcribe headstone images. New users are registering every day.

family history, family lore, world view, genealogy, cemetery, graves, tombstone,
Help us make family history more accessible to everyone. Take the BillionGraves.com iPhone/Android app with you when you go to your local cemetery and contribute to the grave image database. Even if you don’t have the gadgets required to collect images for BillionGraves, you can still help build the database by transcribing the images so anyone, anywhere, can find ancestors’ graves while in their own home.

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