04 April 2012

Grave Stone Information for Babraba Walters

Have you had the opportunity to watch "Finding Your Roots"  from PBS.org. Well this week had Babrabra Walters & Geoffery Canada featured.

It is all about the way names have changed for families. Barbara Walters in the past had paid a Genealogist to find out about her "Walters" family.  They did not come back with much.

But this time hiring a hobbyist genealogist, who by day is a paralegal & specialize in Jewish genealogy, gets real results.  How is it one genealogist or maybe a few could not know where to find the most important clue when all other avenues were un-revealing?

Simple he did not give up.  The whole process of what he did and how he figured out the serendipity was not revealed to the audience.  They show right there at the grave yard on her fathers grave marker was her grandfathers name.  I know that in "Who Do You Think You Are"  they show several people going to to see the grave markers of their ancestor. However none have shown where it is used as a valuable/important piece of information.

The grave maker is of course unusual.  Gravemakers for most do not reveal parents or grandparents names.  However in Barbaras family tradition it does include the information.  Please watch "Finding Your Roots" at PBS.org or watch the program on Sunday evening.  See what new stuff you can learn.

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