19 August 2024

Word Clouds Use For Your Family History


The Maid Of Orleans

France's Heroine

Joan D’ Arc 
also called  The Maid of Orleans

Maid of Orleans, Mark Twain, Joan du Arch, Family, Great Aunt, descendant, family lore

After I was older and had a chance to really find out about her.
I was amazed she was never given Super Star Status.

Mostly because if it were not for her. 
Well I believe the French would have become a country run by English men.  Plop There goes the great migration into French Canada.
Maid of Orleans, Mark Twain, Joan du Arch, Family, Great Aunt, descendant, family lore

I would not be here.  Along with the countless other French descendants of the great French migration [well the French men sent anyway].

What it took for her was more then bravery along with the confidence she held.  
As well held onto her belief that she had angels guiding her.  

What Great faith.

Then after she set the King back on his throne, what becomes of our Heroin?  She is arrested as a Witch.

Maid of Orleans, Mark Twain, Joan du Arch, Family, Great Aunt, descendant, family lore

The French do nothing to free her.  
No instead their Backs are turned against her.  
She is burned at the Stake.

To remember Joan D’Arc is to remember that women as capable to do what is necessary.  

I am so pleased to be a many-times Great Grand Niece too her.  

                         You might be to!

18 August 2024

Using Ancetry.com Features in the DNA section Family Get Togethers

When you sat with your relatives this year what did you talk about any news of Ancestors discussed?  Did anyone talk about their DNA results?  Did you hear names never heard of before are you going to check them out?


Do you share any of these names with me?  Let me know in the comments


  • The young Sylvester brothers.

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